Screenshot Proof Of Times

Here I have taken several screenshots of the date and time to prove that all of my images in which I have taken were taken within given time period.

When I created the storyboard, I assigned various times to the different images as a guide to allow for travel times if I couldn’t have found something. This did not happen and I was able to take the majority of my pictures within a short space of time.

Mood Board

I used this mood board as a form of research. The ideas of how lighting shape and colour allow me to decide what type of photography I want to do. This is a good form of research as it explores different possibilities available tome during this project. I could also have done different forms of research in this project which could have aided me such as, artist research, image scouting, and possibly doing different mood boards for different areas, such as one for textures and another based on colour. I also dislike this mood board as it only shows different colours, while I could have done different areas such as texture, different points of view or even lighting (where the light is coming from). The artist research has helped me during this task as it allows me to look at photos through different perspectives. While on the other hand i find it to be not relevant at the same time as, at the end of the day its about exploring the ideas you have yourself.

20180307 103933

24 hr List of Ideas

  1. Outside
  2. Landscape
  3. Points of Interest
  4. Cars/Sports
  5. Sports
  6. Communities
  7. Home Town
  8. Sweets
  9. Chocolate
  10. Technology
  11. Phone
  12. Tablet
  13. Computer
  14. Animals
  15. People Watching
  16. Shops
  17. Bright and vibrant colours
  18. Colourful Foods
  19. Animals
  20. Wildlife
  21. Memes
  22. Inspirational People
  23. Street art
  24. Graffiti
  25. music
  26. Clothing
  27. Houses
  28. Mansions
  29. Artwork
  30. Trees
  31. Boats
  32. Fish
  33. The Pier
  34. Street Lights
  35. Books
  36. Flowers
  37. Watch
  38. Clock
  39. Architecture
  40. Photo Album
  41. Bridges
  42. Flags
  43. Drinks
  44. Culture
  45. Artifacts
  46. Family Members
  47. Trains
  48. Coffee
  49. Tea
  50. Breakfast

Analysis of Requirements and Parameters


a.) The limitations of this project is that it has to be limited to 10 photographs over an 24 hour period. Basically the project is a time lapse meaning that I could create a timeline. The fact that is only a 24 hours means that the photo would have to be local rather, from around the country try, meaning that the images may not be as interested if say they was taken from a foreign country.

b.) The opportunities of this project are quite broad. For example for the 10 photographs you could take multiple shots of one thing you find quite interesting or go for a wide range of items/people/landscapes. Also we have the opportunity to do it in different range perspectives, for example you could take a picture through a birds eye view a close up or even a wide angled shot.

c.) My thoughts on the project is that it is quite boring in my personal opinion. The fact that it is taking photos over a 24 hour period, where i would rather have a longer amount of time, allowing me to focus and have better opportunities to take better images. Allowing my grade to be better.